Thursday, August 25, 2016

iPhone Trouble: "SIM Not Supported" Error

If you this error on your device after inserting our SIM card, please check this post!

The reason you get this error is either your phone is locked or even if it has been unlocked by your carrier, you need to restore the device.

Please check the page below explaining how to solve the issue.

How to unlock your iPhone for use with another carrier

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Our Service is Now Available in Traditional CHINESE!!

We are very excited to let you know that CDJapan Rental website is now also available in Traditional Chinese!!

Now, we are offering our service in 3 languages; English, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese!

We hope we will be able to serve more and more travelers and help them enjoy their time in Japan to the MAX!

Thank you for your support :D

CDJapan Rental開通中文服務啦!全面提供Wifi分享器和SIM卡出租服務!

CDJapan Rental Wifi分享器和SIM卡出租的中文服務正式上線!

中文頁面 CDJapan Rental 日本最優價格SIM卡和Wifi分享器出租

CDJapan Rental提供高質量高性價比的Wifi分享器和SIM卡,一直在歐美客戶間有很不錯的評價。現在為了方便中文圈的用戶,開始全面提供中文服務。

無論是您想要的不限流量或者是高速上網,CDJapan Rental的出租服務都可以滿足您!


1. Wifi分享器和SIM卡都是不限流量吃到飽的。並且使用的是日本國內覆蓋區域最大的DOCOMO網絡。

2. 收貨地址多樣。可以選擇酒店前台,日本機場郵局,普通郵局,黑貓Yamato營業所,Airbnb民宿或者朋友的家都可以。

3. 歸還的手續非常簡單方便,只需要將Wifi分享器或者SIM卡放在免費為您提供的信封裡後,丟進日本路邊隨處可見的紅色郵筒就OK。

4. 售後服務一級棒。買錯大小可以免費幫忙更換,如果因為一些原因需要退款的話,也可以幫您退款。

5. 出租时间可以延长,在出租到期前,您可以隨時在網上來延長,簡單方便。


CDJapan Rental 日本最優價格SIM卡和Wifi分享器出租

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